1934-35 – President, Pearl Hall
- Discussed ways to get education legislation to the teachers and public.
- Meetings held in high school
- Lots of social events—Social Committee
- Executive Board acted as a nominating committee; suggested names for election
1935-36 – President, Mr. Henry DeYoung
- Meetings of Executive Board one evening each month by special call.
- Passed a motion to assure 100% membership in WEA before Institute.
- Worked on health and accident insurance for teachers only at a low cost.
- Meetings usually had a speaker.
1936-37 – President, Mr. Dunn
- Executive Board made up of presidents of Classroom Teachers Association, Vancouver Grade Teachers Association, Senior High Education Association, Junior High Education Association.
- Dues set at 50 cents.
- Established a Teachers’ Community Chest.
1937-38 – President, Mr. Rule
- Association should give $12-15 per member for the purpose of promoting legislation during the summer.
- Socials and speakers.
1938-39 – President, Margaret Page Johnson
- Resolution that president chosen from the Executive Board of the previous year.
- Resolution that each VEA member pay 1/360 of 1938-39 salary for a fund for charity and benevolent purposes.
- Reorganization of VEA—finding of a committee to determine:
- VEA should remain as it is—including all the teachers in the system.”
- There should be a classroom teachers’ organization.
- There should be an administrator’s organization.
- Committee drew up a constitution for Classroom Teachers’ Association.
1939-40 – President, Miss Erma Shuham
- $50 to the school nurse to be used in the school system.
- Voted to replace the Classroom Teachers Association, which applied for WEA affiliation, to be replaced by the V.E.A., and the elected delegates be seated at the Legislative Assembly.
- VEA had a string ensemble.
1940-41 – President, Mrs. Mildred Wyman
- Committees were as follows: Social, Budget, Teacher Welfare, Interpretation, Use of Press, The Informant bulletin, Community Chest, Legislation.
- One of the purposes of the VEA was to inform the group as to what goes on in WEA. The idea was to inform rather than to decide.
- The study of salaries is to be left to the Classroom Teachers’ group.
1941-42 – President, James Miller
- Faculty members of Clark College are now eligible to become members of the VEA.
- Dr. Gaiser spoke to us of the war situation. He encouraged a spirit of calm optimism.
1942-43 – President, Joe Hartley
- WEA Convention held in Tacoma on November 26. VEA sent four delegates with a cost of $10 per person in addition to registration fee.
- VEA publication called The Informant.
- NEA will pay $20 toward expenses to anyone interested in attending the NEA Convention as a representative.
1943-44 – President, Miss Kay Logan
- All faculty members were encouraged to join VEA, WEA, and NEA 100%. Dues would be gratefully accepted by the building representatives at any time.
- The value of The Informant was discussed. It was decided to continue with this year, distributing four editions throughout the school year.
- Had a War and Peace Fund.
- Reasons for joining NEA were:
It is a spokesman for education throughout the world.
It lobbies in Washington D.C., concerning educational problems.
It publishes a journal of national interest.
It maintains a research bureau.
- WEA Rep Assembly was in Yakima. We sent 3 delegates.
- It was recommended that teachers talk to their senators and representatives.
- There are now 12,000 teachers in Washington state and 6,400 is the quota for NEA.
- The Blue Cross plan went into effect for Vancouver teachers.
- VEA delegate to NEA Convention in Pittsburg was allowed $25 for expenses.
1944-45 – President, Wallace A. Hannah
- Legislative Committee reviewed amendments made to teachers’ retirement laws.
- All members give one day’s pay for United War Chest Fund.
- Delegates to WEA are instructed to cast their ballots for all inclusive WEA and NEA. Ballots cast—a total of 366 with 202 for and 164 against.
- Building rep given the responsibility to write articles in objective, news form for The Informant.
- Discussion of possibility of having a VEA member be a candidate for WEA office.
- A letter was received from WEA that RA had voted that WEA membership be accompanied by membership in the NEA where reciprocal arrangements are assured. Each local affiliate can continue separate memberships or adopt the all-inclusive feature. (Feb. 16, 1945)
- Teachers were active in Red Cross activities.
1945-46 – President, Manley Maben
- More dialogue on the distribution and preparation of VEA Informant. Is it justifiable so far as what is accomplished?
- WEA suggested that affiliates should hold more meetings.
- Washington state OSPI sponsored for president of NEA.
- VEA nurses’ fund is available for needy children.
- WEA is primarily a teacher welfare organization, and we should therefore make our local units strong.
- Mr. Maben announced that WEA is asking for suggestions concerning reorganization.
1946-47 – President, Max Snyder
- Payment of dues discussed.
- Program for VEA reviewed: Legislative Committee to inform teachers of legislative measures and public relations and educate the layman to school needs. Develop slide film of activities of classroom showing the philosophy of the Vancouver Schools to be used in PTA and such organizations. Plan for the use of radio for professional programs. Develop bulletins to inform all teachers of VEA activities.
- Teachers resented one day’s pay for Community Chest. They suggested that they vote on how much to ask each teacher to give.
- Two candidates for WEA President were Inez Peterson and Mr. Rambo.
- Report on action taken by WEA RA that favored a $600 salary adjustment paid in three installments in April, May, and June.
- Motion to support the State School for the Blind in their request to enjoy the same benefits from WEA as the public school teachers, since they are paying members of WEA.
- Salaries for teachers need to be raised to meet the following:
To attract and hold young people in the profession
Be high enough for 12 months for professional advancement
Afford to have a family on teacher’s pay.
- Living standard of 1946-47 means teacher’s salaries are now on par with salaries of 1939. (Maximum teacher salary was $2600)
- Need to encourage letter writing to legislators.
- Revised the VEA constitution and raised dues to $3.50 and did away with assessments.
1947-48 – President, Charles Bradford
- Set time for monthly meetings.
- John Hungate in charge of Community Chest matters.
- Cost and heavy responsibility for the Christmas party was discussed.
- Urged building reps to survey teachers for those interested in working on VEA committees.
- ”Personality People” needed to contact and meet with legislators to express appreciation for their efforts and to lay groundwork for more harmonious working together in future years.
- Dues to be $15.50 for next year. Need to put pressure on those not paying dues. Constitution needs to be changed if joining is compulsory.
- oined the Chamber of Commerce.
- School for the Blind rep expressed desire for all teachers to help support them in getting tenure.
- Need to set up definite procedure for future selection of NEA delegates.
- The VEA President shall serve as ex-officio member of the board the year after his term.
1948-49 – President, Paul Johnston
- Dues for the year are: WEA – $9.50, NEA – $5, VEA – $5.
- Teachers’ Community Chest still a separate entity and no connection with Community Chest. It was established to avoid solicitation of teachers during the Community Chest Drive. Customary amount for teachers’ donation is 1/365 of their annual contract salary.
- Received a communication from NEA to listen to President Truman’s address to the 81st Congress to see if he plans to endorse Federal Aid to Education.
1949-50 – President, Clifford Foster
- Club House Committee formed.
- A committee was formed to contact those teachers not connected with any building (Special Help Dept.) and the Music Dept. They will have a mailbox in a building and receive their materials in that building.
- Appointment of a special committee to study the election of officers early so they can learn the VEA machinery. Suggested a handbook which would inform newly-elected officers of their duties. Also a way to get an earlier start on membership drives.
- A committee studied and recommended that an Executive Secretary be created. Duties would include: An efficient method of making members aware of what is going on; keep the work of the board running smoothly from year to year; be familiar with the organizational materials; sell the program of professional organizations to classroom teachers; become a contract man to the VEA; become a custodian of the VEA files. VEA must receive help from VSD in the form of a released time for the person. The initial attitude of VSD was one of in favor.
- Consideration of executive secretary candidates–Helen Holcomb, Ken McPhaden.
- Helen Holcomb was selected as the first Executive Secretary for the VEA starting in the 1950-51 school year.
1950-51 – President, Loren Troxel
- The September 1950 Issue of the WEA Journal contains several articles written by Vancouver members.
- A Candidate Questionnaire published by the League of Women Voters was placed in each building.
- American Education Week activities included posters displayed around town, a short newsreel at the two local theaters, five minute radio programs, and activities at several schools.
- Regular reports from new Executive Secretary Helen Holcomb.
- A general meeting of VEA was held on Feb. 7, at 3:30 at Hough. Mr. Witenack will attempt to answer questions concerning Vancouver’s specific problems if Gov. Langlie’s budget is adopted.
- It was noted that it is very difficult to get nominees for officers from the board.
- It was felt that WEA should be stressing salary considerations first.
- 165 teachers would be interested in a payroll deduction plan for VEA dues.
- A salary schedule was accepted for 1951-52. Beginning salary of $3000 and after eight years (Doctorate) $3750.
- VEA should equip each board member with a portfolio type folder in which to carry materials to and from the meetings.
1951-52 – President, Dwight Dart
- Unified dues were set at $19.50.
- A mimeographed pamphlet YOUR VEA AT WORK, the VEA Evaluation Committee for this year was distributed to building reps with one copy for every 15 members.
- All principals have agreed to allot time at regular faculty meetings for VEA business.
- VEA made a payment of $450 for released service to the School Board for Executive Secretary Helen Holcomb.
- Discussed a plan for social security for teachers and the effect on the retirement plan.
- VEA will sponsor general membership meetings to hear a political candidate’s program only when all declared candidates for a given office are available and have been invited to participate.
- Loren Troxel’s name was placed before the group to see if he would consent to run for WEA President.
1952-53 – President, Ray Jongeward
- Building reps voted on whether to endorse a candidate for the legislature.
- Max Snyder is part of the WEA Board.
- Belonged to the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession.
- A report was given to the superintendent that outlined teacher problems–inadequate salaries, too heavy classroom loads, but not much prospect of relief because building needs are terrific.
1953-54 – President, Hazel Defenbaugh
- Distributed materials to assist building reps in carrying on their work.
- Held car plate sales – “Better Schools Make Better Communities.”
- Bond issue and tax levy on the ballot on March 9 was explained.
- Participated in a pilot program from the NEA Ethics Committee.
- Published a VEA Evaluation Booklet.
1954-55 – President, Bob Levy
- New sick leave policy in the district.
- Membership reported was 386.
- Six teachers from Vancouver are now serving on state committees.
- Salary schedule was presented to the school board and they will be implementing VEA Proposal No. 3 which would give an increase of $300 per person.
- Eligible to have a candidate for District 5 Position 1 on WEA Board of Directors.
- Discussion on Recovery Shack and its value to Vancouver Schools.
- Building reps were instructed to see that each VEA member receive a ballot, count the vote, and phone results to either Lieser or Fruit Valley School for the WEA Board position.
1955-56 – President, Pat Sutherland
- High percentages of membership in each building was reported.
- Arising from the incident of Dwight Dart’s passing and honoring those who have passed away while teaching in Vancouver Schools, this recommendation was made: A VEA Memorial Scholarship of not less than $100 be set up in memory of VEA members who have passed away while in service in Vancouver Schools, the fund to be perpetuated annually by a percentage amount budgeted from VEA dues.
- A need for more VEA publicity was discussed.
- Members participated in an insurance questionnaire from WEA.
- VEA News and Views is receiving state recognition.
- There was discussion that VEA sponsor some social activities–bowling, golf, swimming, and bridge. The questionnaire on social activities was tabulated with bowling and square dancing receiving the most votes. Since there is an active dance group, a VEA committee will investigate possibilities for a time and place for bowling.
- VEA sent the $1 membership fee to the Kindergarten-Primary Association.
- VEA questionnaire–special levy for salaries.
1956-57 – President, Ford Hoke
- Members are needed for the following committees: VEA Recreation, Special salary advisory group, Recovery Shack, and Constitution Revision.
- Operation “Green Door” was sponsored by VEA. It was a get together for outgoing student teachers.
- The Scholarship Committee had questions about raising money for the scholarship.
- A meeting of Union and VEA to discuss the policy of the administration. The groups came to agreement on having employees choose the organization they wish to belong to, and that promotions be made on the basis of merit and performance regardless of organizations to which the employees belong.
19 57-58 – President, John Karas
1958-59 – President, Wayne Buck
1959-60 – President, Don Cox
1960-61 – President, Milt McDermott
1961-62 – President, Merle Vannoy
- The goals of VEA are to improve the teacher image, the professional spirit, and to provide for a better understanding of the professional organization to which we belong.
- The wiring in the older building of Fort Vancouver High School would not support the number of coffee pots in action. Institute needs a better place to meet.
- In order to go to educational meetings such as educational conventions and institutes, you must apply through the assistant superintendent far in advance.
- Liability insurance for all VEA members is free to the amount of $10,000.
- Thrifty Drugs have offered a 20% discount to all VEA members at their stores.
- DCT (Department of Classroom Teachers) achieved their highest aim over the holidays–they rested.
- DAS (Dept. of Admin & Supervision) reported that they are working as usual.
- Oral Thompson wants to reestablish the VEA Scholarship Fund.
- Changed the constitution to strike Clark College as they are now members of a junior college organization and strike vice-president and change to president-elect.
- It was moved that a committee be appointed to investigate the publishing of a VEA Handbook for 62-63. Bill Murray and Maggie Rogers indicated an interest.
1962-63 – President, Gary Adams
- Since the dues of VEA were raised last year for legislation, it was felt that a report on how they were spent should be sent to each building.
- There is a desire for the adoption of an index salary schedule with administrators salaries tied in with the teachers. When one salary is raised such as beginning salary all will be raised.
- VEA has funds and has approved the awarding of a scholarship to a graduate from each senior high school in the amount of $150 payable to Clark College and is for one year. The recipient must be a member of FTA and plan to enter the teaching profession.
- A reminder was made concerning voter registration. With a school board election and levy it is vital that every teacher exercise their voting privilege.
- Many letters have been received in Olympia and many more are needed because education is being hurt by legislative action and the outlook is not good.
- School days missed because of snow must be made up. The Berry Growers Association is concerned.
- Credit Union spoke to board about having a rep in each building. It was moved that the building rep would serve in this capacity.
- VEA has 526 members as of April 1, 1963.
- A retirement bill, if passed, would be 2/3 of the average salary of the last five years of teaching.
- Those persons attending NEA Convention must be willing to work for VEA the next year.
1963-64 – President, Gerry Moffat
- PTA invited a rep from VEA to attend their board meetings.
- Dale Troxel’s name was submitted for WEA Board candidate from this district.
- Building reps will represent 20 members or major fraction thereof.
- New building reps on the east side will be elected in March and new officers take over in May.
- Supt Bates spoke to the Board on the School Board’s policy of notifying teachers by April 15th if they are not being rehired for the next year. Since the levy didn’t pass it will be necessary to cut staff.
- A committee is studying the constitution with suggestions to improve it.
- 77 teachers received letters of non-renewal.
- A districtwide faculty meeting was called to “help clarify many understandings that exist.” (Re nonrenewals.)
- Several building reps reported that their faculty members strongly disapproved of a statement being made by the VEA, which had not been approved by each faculty.
- Fact sheets explaining the financial picture with the levy loss were distributed.
- Fred Swanstrom offered to represent VEA as a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
- Barbara M. Kelly was the VEA Secretary.
- Recommendations for VEA were as follows: Study ways to strengthen VEA, should hire an executive secretary, should work for a tenure law, should look into merit pay, should work toward a change in the Washington State Tax Law.
1964-65 – President, Gary Ludke
- The importance of the new VEA Professional Negotiation Committee was posted in each building. It is this committee which will give the teachers a voice in matters which concern them.
- January 1st any teachers who are not VEA members, but carry VEA insurance will be dropped.
- A proposal for a Local Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee be studied.
- A proposal was brought forward that a survey be sent to each coach as to their preference for a pay day. WEA Research was contacted and a copy of a survey was obtained. Four teachers would meet with Mr. Light to discuss a possible change in the date on which we are paid.
- A discussion would be held on the possibility of a September paycheck.
- Board members were asked to think about the responsibility of an executive secretary for VEA.
- A reason VEA might give to the school board to run a levy was the need of at least 10 mills in order to get our class loads down to 32 students.
- The VEA president-elect Mike Matanich sent a letter that he had resigned from Vancouver Schools. The Board appointed Duane Vahsholtz as president instead of president-elect.
- The VEA Medical Aid Fund is low on funds because only about half the teachers have sent in their $1.
- A study group from the Professional Negotiations Committee will make a recommendation that VEA be the official group representing the certified employees of School District No. 37.
The structure of the Negotiations Committee be the same as the Board of Representatives and the election of the reps be held each school year on May the 12. The chair to be selected from the members of the group.
1965-66 – President, Duane Vahsholtz
- The school board wants a written policy that the spouse of administrators down to and including principals not be hired to teach in our school system.
- It was moved that the VEA begin work toward establishing an executive secretary.
- It was moved that the VEA president appoint a committee to look into the possibility of establishing a permanent residence for VEA and that this committee report their findings at the next meeting. This committee reported that the credit union will let us rent space for $50 a month, which would include furniture. A space on Grand Avenue is available for $110 and one on Main Street for $125. Those do not include any furniture.
- There is now a National Code of Ethics.
- The school board has met with the Professional Negotiations Committee and they were favorable to VEA goals. They are going to appoint three people to communicate with VEA.
- The area of tax-sheltered annuities is being looked at.
- About 90percent of teachers now belong to VEA.
1966-67 – President, Bruce Graham
- Members of the board signed papers for Articles of Incorporation of VEA.
- Total unified dues is $47.
- There is a need to educate teachers about the difference between Professional Negotiations and Professional Rights and Responsibilities.
- The Negotiations Committee discussed the School Board Policy re hiring of administrator’s spouses.
- VEA Handbooks were given out.
- The VEA newspaper has a new name and a new format to stir members up, to induce reaction, so all share ideas, gripes, questions, etc. (The name was not mentioned.) Bruce Tedder was the new editor.
- Blue Cross spoke briefly about the offerings of their group insurance.
- VEA-DCT-DAS functions, purposes and place need to be reappraised.
1967-68 – President, Jim Raines
- Kaiser Insurance Plan may be available soon.
- VEA Salary Committee has worked out a salary proposal.
- Some teachers stated that their concern was not so much for salary as for help in class loads. It was felt that class sizes not be increased to give higher salaries.
- VEA has hired Sharon Boggs to be present at negotiations meetings to take minutes.
- WEA Political Action Committee PULSE was supposed to start here on payroll deduction.
- A concern as to the use of the “teacher personal leave” days possibly after Memorial Day and Feb. 22 was expressed.
- It was moved that the Executive Board recommend to the Representative Council that we secure an executive secretary and all expenses need, for the year 1968-69. A lengthy discussion was held. Continuity in the office is very important. Someone who knows what happened the previous year. The job of president is very tough on the individual and their families.
- Tax-sheltered annuities are being held up because of the IRS.
- Elections committee reported that 22 people contacted for president-elect and 19 for negotiator and no one would run.
- ”Convenience” leave will remain at 3 days, not to be taken directly before or after a holiday.
1968-69 – President, Bill Murray
- Lower Columbia Coordinating Council had eight representatives from VEA.
- August 14, 1968, Jim Raines was contracted as Executive Secretary at a salary of $14,823, to start on September 1 with 10 days sick leave, hospitalization, and vacation.
- Sharon Boggs hired as secretary at $404.17 for 10 months, sick leave, hospitalization, and vacation.
- VEA office now open from 8-5 in basement of credit union.
- WEA will be constructing a new building in Olympia in the spring.
- t was suggested that the professional negotiations committee meet with the superintendent monthly.
- WEA cannot use dues for political purposes so leans on PULSE to provide extra money.
- 96% (760) membership in VEA.
- Communications and participation on secondary level needs to be improved.
- VEA Constitution is being revised. No name for the newspaper.
- VEA salary schedule was deemed by WEA as one of the best in the state.
- VEA will be featured in the NEA Journal.
- Teacher workdays at 185 days.
- Non-cost items negotiated: Code of Ethics adopted by school board, personal injury policy, payroll deduction of dues, pay date, pickup and delivery service to VEA office, grievance policy, contract relations, sabbatical leave committee, hiring practices, health certificate.
- Emergency meeting of Council to deposit teaching contracts in trusteeship until negotiations specifications are reached.
1969-70 – President, Bill Baird
- Dave Lindblom was on the Constitution Revision Committee.
- The master contract be changed to Comprehensive Agreement.
- VEA refused to release Jim Raines from his contract as requested by WEA for employment with them.
- A return of 20% of the local dues to the Schools of the Deaf and Blind because none of their concerns are handled in the same manner as VEA’s, so they felt a need for a kickback from VEA to support their varied activities.
- Need to work on getting parents registered to vote.
- VAES would like to have building secretaries, not central office, be members of VEA. They are looking for negotiations rights mainly. An alliance with VEA is being discussed along with a dues structure. It was seconded and passed that VAES be given help in negotiations and that they pay dues to VEA.
- Final calendar selection was a lengthy process.
- It was moved and passed that we sponsor a golf tournament for both men and women in the spring.
- Jim Raines feels that we are going to impasse because the board has refused to negotiate any of the 10 items we have submitted and they will set the levy without conferring with VEA.
- Certification Fourth Draft was an issue.
- Dave Lindblom moved that we support the staff at the School for the Deaf in their opposition to the Director of the Dept. of Institutions planning prospectus and that we further support an all out effort to keep the present educational program for the deaf in Vancouver.
- Agency Shop was being negotiated by several local associations in the state.
- June 9, 1970, Jackie Smead Faley was hired at the new secretary.
- Jim Kanthak, Nevada, was interviewed by the Board along with five others for executive director.
1970-71 – President, Al Bauer
- Located in basement of Credit Union on Evergreen
- March to Olympia, Grim Scene
- Calendar problem because spring break was moved back to accommodate music
- Salary–beginning was $7500, MA+45, 10 years was $15,750, new 4th column was instituted.
- Forms of communication started–Action Line, Leader Letter, Hotline
- Involved in Lower Columbia Coordinating Council (Regional Meetings)
- School calendar was 183 days.
- Drafted constitutions for State Schools
- Discussions began to enter the new UniServ program
- Negotiations revolved around Policy on How to Negotiate–then policies and procedures
1971-72 – President, Dean Ramsey
- Located in house on Credit Union property
- Represented Vancouver Association of Educational Secretaries
- Wage freeze
- Tax reform initiative
- Car caravan to Olympia
- State schools now on board as part of VEA
- Levy Loss
- NEA Evaluation of VEA (May)
- WEA grappling with who should be members of WEA–How can they reorganize and be responsible and responsive to members.
1972-73 – President, Bud Alvick
- VAES negotiated contract with the district finalized
- Overhaul of teacher assignment, reassignment, transfer and promotion policies
- Purchased 1/3 president-elect contract for released time
- Cardai Hill–faculty rep training
- Early dismissal for curriculum planning
- Year-round school studied
1973-74 – President, Gary Holmberg
- Leased the location on Devine Road
- Talked about forming Riverside UniServ Council–VEA with White Salmon
- Letters of Intent signed by teachers in June of 1974
- Salmon Bake to welcome new Superintendent Hester
- School board agreed to bargain a perpetual Comprehensive Professional Agreement
- Evergreen strike
- Outline of new Comprehensive Professional Agreement–17 chapters being developed
- Authorized to collect dues and send to WEA
- District tries to institute Davies-Brickell System of policies
1974-75 – President, Harry Dale
- Y ear-long work on Comprehensive Professional Agreement (CPA)
- Round tables begin to work on CPA
- Started drafting new VEA bylaws, standing rules, and standing policies
1975-76 – President, Pete Jorgensen
- Negative checkoff for PULSE result of 1976 WEA Rep Assembly
- VEA began local collection of dues
- J ACCI (Joint Advisory Council on Curriculum and Instruction) born
1976-77 – President, Larry Snyder
- Agency Shop bargained
- VEA has own Seat on WEA Board
- Special ed teachers receive nonrenewal notices
- New dues transmittal forms sent by WEA and individual members did not sign them
- Written dues transmittal contract with WEA–local collection
1977-78 – President, Barbara Cox
- Coordinated bargaining was a big issue
- “Sorry Linus, Dept. of Instruction doesn’t believe in the Great Pumpkin Either” Action Line
- Task force appointed for every-member vote on CPA ratification
- WEA has pending policy on including parapros in WEA and impact on local association
- VEA decides to not participate in Coordinated Bargaining
- WEA President Carol Coe & team to visit and investigate anonymous documents
1978-79 – President, Larry Snyder
- WEA On-site UniServ Evaluation
- Started Supt/Ex Board early morning meetings
- Needs assessment survey for membership
- Reflections newsletter started
- Political action roundtable instituted–tax reform
1979-80 – President, Peggy Dale
- NEA Attorney Referral Service started
- VEA Communique–Blue Cross, Supt/Ex Board Meeting, IPD, TIP
- Ex Board started. Each its own issue.
- WEA moves headquarters to Federal Way
- WEA informed us they would organize CPEA unit of Vancouver classified
1980-81 – President, Larry Snyder
- “What Makes a Wolf Howl” issue of Action Line (Marty Wolf candidacy)
- Negotiations study of student vandalism & theft for ’81-82
- Direct deposit now optional for all employees
- Budget problems in the state abound
- Legislative alerts–lots of Legislative Breakfasts & getting involved in politics
1981-82 – President, Eddie Butler
- Food Drive
- WEA RA Yakima active membership for classified; all UniServ Councils rebated at equal rate beginning in Sept. 1982
- State Revenues $1.5 billion short–need to revise the tax structure
- Negotiations survey all members & special interest groups
- Early retirement bill SHB 124 passed
- Levy vote–70% yes
- Negotiations Commission–Kay Stredwick/Pat McEachron
1982-83 – President, Eddie Butler
- Clark County Fair booth
- Regional meetings discuss CPA organizing by WEA and costs involved
- Levy fails to validate Feb. 8th, Levy April 26 84% Yes
- “How Do You Spell Relief–C-H-A-N-N-E-L C” –Communications in VSD
- A year of explaining concepts in the CPA–Position Interest Register in effect
- Legislative Issues
- Assigned–unassigned time explained
1983-84 – President, Jerry Chamberlain
- Credit Union has building rep
- VEA introduces four new business items at WEA RA
- Dues subsidy provided to CPA
- WEA RA seeks authority for statewide strike
1984-85 – President, Jerry Chamberlain
- Rising health care costs
- April 10 rally at the Governor’s Office
- Mandated merger with Riverside UniServ–talks instituted
- WEA RA seeks authority for statewide strike
1985-86 – President, Jerry Chamberlain
- Peer consultant evaluation–negotiations
- WEA Rep Assembly mandates State Option Uniserv–I-5 Coalition formed
- Basic Interests Survey
- HJR 22 to eliminate 40% validation of school levies
- VEA Educators Advertisements published
1986-87 – President, Carol Ramsey
- Election to go independent–91% voted (53.1% stay, 46.9% leave)
- Terry Bergeson here for all member meeting re above
- Basic Issues between VEA & WEA sent in Action Lines
- A year of controversy with WEA
- Tax reform seminar (HR 3838)
- Jim involved on Transition Team
1987-88 – President, Carol Ramsey
- Censure of Executive Board by WEA for protecting personnel files of Supt.
- Transition Team Report Adopted by WEA RA
- WEA RA adopted new cycle of election dates for officers, RA
- Passed levy by 66.2%
1988-89 – President, Chet Wood
- Smoking issue–no smoking in the schools
- Awareness Campaign–WEA RA–Assessment added to dues
- VSD Foundation formed
- Transition stipend negotiated
1989-90 – President, Chet Wood
- Problem with CPA ratification because of uniform per diem
- Crisis Action–one day walkout
- State Allocation Model investigated for our salary schedule
- Feb 13–March to Governor’s Office
- Children’s Initiative
- Uniform per diem issue in negotiations
1990-91 – President, Mary Ann Costello
- SAM/LAM salary schedule structure debate
- Sick leave sharing
- Restructuring–site based decision making
- Multi-local strike authorization vote by WEA RA
- Special session in Olympia
- Retirement Bill–transfer of out of state for eligibility to retire
- District leadership meetings
- Blue Ribbon Council on Education Reform begins
- Rally in Olympia–buses rented
1991-92 – President, Mary Ann Costello
- SBLT co-chair–Appendix Q. negotiations
- “Principal Not A Potted Plant” Action Line
- Reporting Practices Committee
- VEA elects own PULSE Board Trustee
- Candlelight Vigil–Legislature
- Search for new executive director
- WEA institutes PULSE Endorsement Convention
- Dave Lindblom named new Executive Director
1992-93 – President, Mary Ann Costello
- Jim acting as consultant
- Orientation meeting with principals on Appendix Q.
- I-134 passed–PULSE Opt-Out in jeopardy
- Clinton gets elected (Oh woe is the USA)
- SBLT–Quest document
- Open 3 new schools, moved 6th grade
- Health care reform–needed
- G-CERF proposal submitted to legislature
1993-94 – President, Pat McEachron
- VEA Policy re Funding for Conference, Workshops, Seminars
- Bargaining continues into Sept.-Oct.
- Teachers In Politics endorsed school board candidates
- 601/602 Campaign
- VEA gets Voice Mail
- Conflict Resolution-Article 9.20
- Waivers a big issue
- Adopt-a-Highway by VEA (to pick up litter along I-5)
- HB 1209 Student Learning Improvement Grants
- VEA moves office after 24 years
- Community Organizing dues of $12 approved at WEA RA
- First dues increase for VEA in 7 years
1994-95 – President, Pat McEachron
- Legislature gives $20.61 per Oct. enrollment for instructional materials and technology
- First time a grievance headed toward binding arbitration on involuntary transfer
- Pat Dolan training on Site-Based Decision-Making
- Revised and updated CPA
- Healthcare reform became an issue
- More and more part-time teachers hired
- Sept. insert in The Columbian on Public Schools
1995-96 – President, Pat McEachron (16)
- National Board Professional Teacher Standards certified teachers
- PTA Council meets with the Executive Board
- First two-day arbitration loss
- Consensus training for site-based leadership team co-chairs
- Health insurance funding threatened by legislature
- WEA Reengineering major focus
- Fingerprinting for all employees-legislative mandate
- VEA president now elected as an NEA/WEA Rep Assembly delegate
1996-97 – President, Jane Floyd (10)
- Skyview high school opens with all the 9th graders while other schools are remodeled
- New format for meeting with the superintendent
- WEA attacked by the Evergreen Freedom Foundation
- Major issue developed re discipline or evaluation (psychs meet as a group)
- New CPA language for deviating from class size provisions
1997-98 – President, Jane Floyd
- Special education forum held during year
- Teacher assaults by parents
- New high school class sizes implemented
- Legislators meet with the Council
- Evergreen Freedom Foundation inserts ‘Crisis in the Schools” re the WEA Community Outreach funds
- John Hancock turns into Unicare
- Harassment-sexual, male/female, racism erupts more frequently
1998-99 President: Ann Giles
- Candlelight vigil held to light the path for legislators to go to Olympia to support increased compensation for teachers
- VEA moves from VSD salary schedule to the State Allocation Model (SAM)
1999-00 – President, Ann Giles
- Roy Maier named new executive director
- Bonnie Larson named new administrative assistant
- Victory for WEA in EFF trial
- VEA president is now an official lobbyist
- WEA decides to pursue a COLA initiative (I-732) and began a signature drive
2000-2001 – President, Ann Giles
- Bylaw change to elect executive officers for two-year terms, limited to two successive terms, beginning with the 2001-2003 president
- Voters approve I-732 (COLA)
- Voters approve I-728 (lower class sizes)
- VEA and EEA hold Sparks
2001-2003 – President, Phil Harding
- VEA Standing Rules and Policies reorganized and updated
- VEA dues changed to a factor system
- Legislative Council name changed to Representative Council so that it won’t be construed as a political group.
- VEA hires part-time, as needed, office assistant
- VEA participates on the January 14, 2003, State of Education day in Olympia, along with thousands of members from around the state. Approximately 500 VEA teachers filled 11 buses. VSD closed schools.
- Former VEA president, Ann Giles, runs successfully for Regional Director for NCUEA.
- State schools (School for the Blind and School for the Deaf) must affiliate with a state union and may no longer be part of Vancouver UniServ.
2003-2005 – President, Phil Harding
- VEA active in political campaigns through doorbelling, etc. VEA, along with WEA, gathered signatures to reject charter schools (R-55), and worked to elect education-friendly legislators.
- VSD decides to leave seven media specialist positions vacant for 2004-2005. VEA works successfully to restore those positions.
- VEA holds a minority membership social event to support the needs of minority members.
- Council presidents become part of WEA Board.
2005-2007 – President, Keith Drake
- Gyroscope Adventure program began for teachers in the mid range (10-20 years).
- VEA office moves to Fourth Plain and Broadway location. The president and executive director do extensive remodeling to turn this former garage/satellite dish/stamp shop/tattoo parlor into an office.
- VSD withdraws two days of TRI pay. Teachers do informational picketing to inform the public.
- VEA participates in pilot program that returns WEA-PAC to a dues deduction system. VEA’s WEA-PAC membership grew to approximately 30 percent of our membership.
2007-2011 President: Ann Giles
- Simple Majority bill passes. Levy passage will now require 50 percent + 1 to pass rather than the supermajority of 60 percent.
- VEA continues to progress in its WEA-PAC membership, growing to approximately 52 percent of our membership.
- VEA office moves to 18th Street
- VEA purchases office at 2509 Broadway (Aug 2008)
- VEA funds full delegation to NEA RA
WEA-PAC drive is now year to year
Due to state regulations, WSSB and WSD may no longer be part of Vancouver UniServ
2011-14 President: Courtney Eyers
- 2012 hired new Executive Director
- VPS Foundation adds a “teacher” seat to their board.
- Website updated
2014-19 President: Lynn Maiorca
- Equity Team formed.
- June 2016 Car crashes into VEA building causing major damage.
- 2018 Strike over teacher pay and McCleary funding.
- WEA-PAC membership 2nd highest in the state.
2019- 23: Kari Snow (Van Nostran)
- VEA named Labor Union of the Year (Labor RoundTable)
- COVID-19 crisis: all schools closed Spring 2020- pivot to distance learning/hybrid instruction for 2020-21. Variant changes, state and federal mandates, Labor and Industries claims, networking with the Clark County Health Department.
- Paid off the building October 4, 2019. Building maintenance challenges- Heating system failure/leak/mold Jan 2021. Roofing Catastrophe/flood June 2021.
- August 2021 First female Executive Director is hired (Page Todd) as Rick Wilson retires (Oct 2021). November 2022 Page notifies the association of intended return to PERC.
- December 2022 Phil Harding returns in the role of Interim Executive Director.
- May 2023 Graham Picklesimer is hired from Tampa, Florida as Executive Director.
- Changes in district administration (Superintendent Change – Jeff Snell. HR Director Change – Jeff Fish).
2023- Present: Jamie Anderson
- New mural adorns the North facing wall of the VEA office by artist and member Travis London.
- District financial crisis results in a Reduction in Force (RIF) of 170 FTE for 2024-25.
- Ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement (new term) for 2024-27. New overload language for secondary allows compensation for individual class sizes as well as aggregate overload considerations at secondary. Step down in elementary class sizes each year of the contract. Redefined TRI language.