You Have the Right to Exclude & Exclusion Slip
You have the right to exclude students from your classroom if they are disrupting the educational process. Under state law, RCW 28A.600.020, Section 2, teachers may exclude disruptive students from their classrooms for up to two days for EACH disruptive event. Students CANNOT be returned to the classroom before the designated time is up without the teacher’s permission or until the teacher and administrator confer and decide otherwise. This provision is also covered under Article 10.24 in your contract.
Except in emergency situations, teachers must first have tried one or more alternative forms of corrective action before they can exclude a disruptive student. The alternative form of corrective action may, however, have occurred in prior days. The corrective action does not have to take place on the same day as the disruptive event.
VEA highly recommends that teachers exercise this legal right in order to protect the learning environment for all students in their class.
If you find that you must exclude a student from your class, you may find it helpful to use the form below.